The Best Way To Write The Theme and Importance of Any Given Passage for Islamiat

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If you are asked to write a theme on a specific topic or a given passage.... then what will you do? The first thing is to know that what is a theme.

A theme is simply a summary related to anything.. but it should include the main points that have been discussed in the original topic.

Okay, so now you know what a theme is, let's now move forward.. As I have told before, the main points should be used in the theme. Therefore, you should note the points and paraphrase them; change the words a bit.. then you should use Quranic passages as much as possible... Of course, they count marks. Then you have make order a perfect order of the points, and you are done!


Look, it's very simple.. you just have to discuss the importance of any specific chapter in your on words. Like what would happen if their were no Prophets? If their was no Quran... but ATTENTION! You should not express these words directly.. you should express them in your feelings.... And finally don't forget to use the Quranic References related to the topic...
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